How do I take the CCFP exam?
You must apply to take the CCFP exam. Check on the CFPC website for when applications open. You can then apply for the exam directly on the CFPC website.
Below, you will find a compilation of the top questions we hear from family practice residents and practice-eligible physicians studying for the CCFP exam.
What is the CCFP exam?
The CCFP exam, or the Certification of the College of Family Physicians of Canada exam, is a two-day written and oral examination.
It tests Family Practice residents or practice-eligible physicians for their readiness to practice Family Medicine.
Learn more about the CCFP exam by downloading our free practice SAMP questions.
What is a SOO?
What is a SAMP?
The Virtual Simulated Office Orals (SOO) are the oral exam component of the CCFP exam, composed of five 15-minute stations in which the simulated patient is a physician examiner. The Short Answer Management Problems (SAMP) are the written component.
Find everything you need to know about the SOOs and SAMPs at our Exam Essentials page.
When is the CCFP exam?
SAMPs: October 15 - 16
SOOs: October 19 - 20
SAMPs: April 8 -10
SOOs: April 26 - 27 & May 3 - 4
SAMPs: October 14 - 15
SOOs: October 18 - 19

What are the CFPC 105 Topics?
The 105 Topics (updated from the 99 topics in 2020) for the CCFP exam is the upcoming CFPC's Priority Topics and Key Features document, the core topics family medicine residents should study as they prepare for the CCFP exam.
The Review Course reviews all of the topics in two days plus covers tips and tricks you need for success.
CCFP prep: How should I study?
Start early. Focus on recent Canadian guidelines and diagnosis and management of common Family Practice conditions, like those in the 105 topics.
You MUST practice if you want to pass the family medicine oral exams; see our free resource list.
What is The Review Course?
The Review Course is two days of highly-rated, fast-paced lectures by recent CCFP grads who wish this course existed when we were residents!
We want to help you prepare for the CCFP exam. See our FAQ or reviews from past attendees.