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Epistaxis Management Mnemonic

Dr. Kaitlin Dupuis MD CCFP

When faced with a patient with epistaxis, use this mnemonic to think broadly and consider "What else can it be?"

TIME to stop the BLEED:

T - TRAUMA: nose picking, fractures I - INFECTION: Sinusitis, rhinitis M - MEDS: coumadin, ASA, clopidogrel, thrombin inhibitors, Factor Xa inhibitors E - EXOGENOUS AGENTS: cocaine, foreign bodies, nasal sprays, dry air

BLEEDing: Von Willebrands, thombocytopenia, hemophilia, or bleeding disorder

With any bleed, be sure to ensure that the patient is stable! Remember with any patient who has a bleed (even if it's a mild nosebleed, a heavier-than-usual menstrual period, spotting during pregnancy, or rectal bleeding) it's crucial that you consider, assess, and document that the patient has been assesed for stability.

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Image credit: "Epistaxis1" by I, Welleschik. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons -

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